Thursday, July 12, 2012


First of all, when you hear the word diet.. all you think about is “HES ONLY EATING SALADS N SHYT”! No douche, i probably eat more than what you eat! The word diet just means, well here are the literal definitions of diet from the dictionary:
food and drink considered in terms of its qualities,composition, and its effects on health: Milk is a wholesomearticle of diet. 2. a particular selection of food, especially as designed orprescribed to improve a person’s physical condition or toprevent or treat a disease: a diet low in sugar. 3. such a selection or a limitation on the amount a person eatsfor reducing weight: No pie for me, I’m on a diet. 4. the foods eaten, as by a particular person or group: Thenative diet consists of fish and fruit. 5. food or feed habitually eaten or provided: The rabbits werefed a diet of carrots and lettuce.” 
Taken from: “
So do you understand now? It ain’t exactly a phase with eating where you feel like a kid in Africa, or some “I only eat salads B-)” type of BS. Its choosing specific food that you eat on specific times, for a specific goal for your body.
If you are wondering what my diet is, it is actually a very random diet but its all clean. I’ll eat as much as I “can” on every meal as long as its “clean”.
What do I mean by that? 
- Grilled Chicken Breasts / Fish / Turkey / Steaks(Once a week though)
- Boiled / Steamed vegetables - I don’t really choose what veggies I eat, I just eat the whole lot of it
- Boiled / Steamed: Potatoes, Rice(brown even), That sexy warm bread from Arz Lebnan……… Oh yea….
- As for fruits, personally I favor all the citrus fruits like orange, grapefruit, kiwi, pineapple and lemons over the sweet fruits such as watermelons, bananas, mango’s and whatnot simply because I am a sour addict.
You will either never or greatly delay yourself from achieving your goals if you think cutting to zero carbs for a year is a good idea, or just “eating salads” is going to make you look fit and strong, NO! Have your carbs, have your sugars! Just make sure those sugars come out of your fresh fruits, and those carbs come out of your boiled/steamed veggies and rice or potatoes.
When should you have your carbs and sugars?
Carbs: Have them for lunch, with your grilled source of proteins (yes you can marinate it, its completely fine), and only have the veggies for dinner with your grilled source of proteins.
Sugars: No artificial sugars like kinder, fanfare, nutella or any of that gay macaroon stuff in Dubai Mall. All those sugars will make your skin look very oily and feel somewhat saggy. Resort to having your sugars from your fruits in the morning with your boiled eggs, and/or protein shake or if you’d like you can do what I do:
- Protein powder pancake/cupcakes: made with the blended mix of: Milk, Banana, Protein Powder, 10 egg whites (raw source, you don’t even taste it don’t worry) and honey. IT IS DEE-LISH-USS I tell you! The best flavored and type of protein to use is from BSN’s Syntha-6 or Dessert:
- Protein shake: 10 raw egg whites, milk, banana and honey <3
Now, I believe I have told you enough! If you’d like to know more, please don’t hesitate to send it to my e-mail:

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