Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Monday, August 6, 2012

5 PR's

So, thanks to my man Hadi Sherazi and his back up he motivated to break 5 PR's in one day. 2 being Jerk's, and 3 of them being clean. 2 Clean and Jerks, 1 Clean.

Here we go:

I don't have such good technique I know.. But i try right?

Power Cleaning 80kg's - 176lbs.

PR'ing my 80kg clean and jerk, here's something I'm actually happy about, NO HIPS ALL POWER!

I fail, We fail, and its FINE!

Here's a few videos of me looking like a jackass when i failed to score some PR's :P



Saturday, August 4, 2012

Nowhere Close to the Best, Nowhere Near Giving Up

Just wanted to say that I might be putting up pictures, videos, and yappin' lots of different stuff on the blog or on youtube or whatever. I don't want anyone to take it the wrong way that I'm imposing that I am the best at this, or that.. In fact nowhere close, all i'm doing is trying to. I'm 22 years old, and all i'm doing is trying to be an athlete, one that can help motivate others to do so as well, not necessarily in a specified sport or general athletics, but one to anyone's liking.

I am not a professional, I am not an amateur - I'm a practitioner of everything I do.

I'm thankful there are people where I live and around the world that I can look up to, to set as my targets and being stronger and faster than them before I can reach their age. I personally believe that is what helps me get stronger and faster everyday, not just physically but mentally as well.

I don't know if I'm bad at giving up - Or just committed.

Please do checkout blog often, and if there are any mistakes in any of my techniques or if you see me doing anything wrong, please do point it out because I'm a bad analyst when it comes to that stuff and I always pay attention to whatever anyone points out to me =D